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What’s happening in our Parish?Get a monthly newsletter delivered to your inbox with all the St Ambrose Parish news.New and existing parishioners are encouraged to register!


Tuesdays 5pm-7pm; Wednesdays 9.30am-10am; Fridays 9.30am-10am and 5pm-6pm; Saturdays 7.15am-8.15am and 3.30pm-4.30pm

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ


The month of May is traditionally dedicated to the devotion to Blessed Mother. When she received the message from God through the Archangel Gabriel to be the mother of His divine Son, it is recorded that she “arose “and “went”. These two verbs indicate how our heavenly Mother immediately responded to the message of God.
She arose and went to visit her cousin sister Elizabeth and cared for her.
She arose and went to the wedding ceremony in Cana to share in the joy of the new couple.
She arose and went to the Temple of Jerusalem every year in pilgrimage along with Her Son, Jesus, and her husband.
When Jesus was condemned to death, she arose and accompanied Him to Calvary.

During this month of May, I kindly encourage you all “to arise and go”

  • When you rise from your sleep in the morning go to a quiet place and say your morning prayers or if possible, go for the morning Mass and offer the day’s work to the Lord.
  • Arise and go to your office or school/university with the hope of doing your best.
  • If you hear that someone known to you is sick do not hesitate to go and visit that person as early as possible.
  • If your parents ask you to help them at home go and do it with love.
  • Every Sunday arise and go for the Holy Mass as a family and give thanks to God.
  • If you are in the state of sin arise and meet a priest and make your confession and receive the absolution for your sins.
  • If you remember someone who helped you to be what you are today arise and go to express your gratitude.
  • If you have hurt someone intentionally or unintentionally arise and meet that person to express your sincere apologies or at least pray for her/his wellbeing.
  • If you feel that you are being called by God to serve the church as a volunteer (musician, singer, reading, cleaning etc) arise and meet the priest and express your interest.

I hope that the above suggestions may help you all to be more spiritually active in this month of May.
God bless you and the Blessed Virgin intercede for you.

Fr. Chaminda Wanigasena


The Charitable Works Fund (CWF) is a centralised fund that supports the charitable and pastoral activities of the Archdiocese of Sydney.

CWF is funded through three parish appeals each year (May, August and November), a schools appeal, direct donations, pledges and bequests.

Help keep alive vital ministries of the Church in service to those who need it most. In hospitals, churches, schools, communities and families, your donation is making our world a loving, caring and compassionate place. Give generously. Your tax-deductible gift changes lives. Thank you!

Donate here

Conrad and Natalia Gabriel who have been involved with Marriage Encounter [ME] since 2014 in various capacities, now look after the pulpit talk ministry.

Marriage Encounter is fully supported by the Bishops in all diocese in Australia. Conrad and Natalia will present talks on Saturday 18th May 5pm Vigil Mass and on Sunday 19th May at 5 pm mass.

For further information click here


Fr. Jonathan will be leaving the parish to undertake his doctoral studies in a Dominican University in Friberg, Switzerland. Fr. Jonathan will continue his priestly ministry until Sunday 2nd June. We wish him God’s blessings and successful studies in Switzerland.

Our parish will not have an appointed assistant priest in the interim. Fr. Chaminda will continue to fulfill the pastoral and spiritual care of the parish alone. Please continue to support him through your prayers and service.

To bid Fr. Jonathan farewell, a sausage sizzle will be held in gratitude on Sunday 2nd June, after the 9.30 am mass. Please join us in thanking him for his service to the parish, spiritual guidance and bringing life and meaning to our liturgies.

Thank you, wholeheartedly Fr. Jonathan for the support you have given to Fr. Chaminda.

RSVP using the QR Code below to confirm your attendance and for catering purposes. RSVP by Monday 27th May.

12th May 2024

Devotion – 1pm till 3pm

Mass – 3pm till 4pm

St Faustina First Class Relic will be available for Veneration.

Love to sing? Then lend your voice to our choir!

Music has always had a way of enhancing the Mass, whether it is to uplift and restore or connect with soulful expression. It is a beautiful thing to have music in some way or another throughout a mass and we invite anyone, of any age to join our music ministry.

If you are wondering if this is for you then it doesn’t take much to call/send an email and get more information or have an informal chat. We would love to hear from you!
Contact Rachel by email or 0414 966 665.

Your Commitment to Parish Planned Giving

Reminder to support your Parish!

What is Planned Giving?

It is your opportunity to commit to the donation of funds at regular intervals. These donations are the primary source of income for the Parish. Planned giving allows the Parish to budget and plan for specific projects. For example: Faith formations, sacramental programs, events, ministries, publications, parish upkeep, repairs and maintenance and staff expenses.

Our parish exists to evangelise, support and serve the community. Funds are required for this work. Like anything else, this amount increases annually. Forms are available to download here or in hardcopy in the Church. Please complete and return to the Parish Office or put it in the gold boxes in the Church.


1ST COLLECTION – Pastoral Revenue Collection. This collection is used to pay for our priest’s living expenses, stipends, council rates and utilities such as electricity and water. This money belongs to the Archdiocese of Sydney and the Parish is not able to use these funds.

2ND COLLECTION – CHURCH COLLECTION including Tap & Go and B-Point Giving belongs to the Parish and is used for the day to day running and upkeep of the parish.  This includes Church/Presbytery insurances, employee wages, repairs and maintenance, church cleaning, liturgical items, flowers, printing, hospitality and special projects. Proceeds are banked into our Church Account.

Divine Mercy Devotion

Next celebration: Sunday 10th March 2024

Come let’s celebrate! Everyone is welcome. Enquiries – Please call Annie 0414652479 or Email.

If you or anyone you know within our Parish is experiencing distress or anxiety, Fr Chaminda is available to have a chat (parish office 9743 1023, please leave a message if unattended, clearly stating your name and contact number).